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By Okkie Nikijuluw
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.
I have always been terrible with meditation but I have found a way to get grounded from time to time. Here is my little secret to getting to know myself better, learning to how to find my centre again through this short brief guided meditation with a soundbath background.
Take your time and enjoy.
This podcast is bilingual in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
There are moments in life where you will feel as though things are taking a downfall and you start doubting yourself. This episode talks about tackling some of those personal challenges as you are progressing to become your better self. The biggest challenge I want us to overcome in this episode is about Imposter Syndrome. Join in the conversation.
Quarantine has certainly taught me a few life lessons, but most of all taught me more about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses.
We tend to get stuck in a mindset for survival. We are in such a rush to get out of this pandemic that we fear so much of the future outcome rather than focusing on the one step you can take and control to move forward. I've discovered that using the 5 Stages of Grief has helped me push through my quarantine moments. I also share 5 things we should consider during this pandemic to get us out of the pandemic STRONGER THAN EVER!
This episode audio is in English.
SEASON 2 is here...and the world is changing!
The Pandemic has recently taken over our normalcy on this planet. The question that keeps popping in my head is "Who are you today?". This new normal that people talk about seem like it's changing everyone in their own way and I've certainly been feeling it too. But I see the pandemic as a blessing, perhaps only for some and taken as a misfortune for others. As the world changes rapidly, should we be changing too?
Covid has certainly impacted and transformed our ways of life, from the way we do things on a daily basis to the way we think and analyse situations. But it has also allowed me to discover another side of me that I never thought I could accept for myself and be comfortable with it. I also find quarantine enjoyable and an opportunity for me to invest in my self-development.
Introducing "The Lazy Preneurs" as a new addition to 'In Progress with Okkie', where we talk about being a 'LazyPreneur' and discuss business ideas, even how to become a good business owner. Tune in because this is definitely an exciting addition to Season 2.
This is a bilingual podcast episode in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
IG at @okkienik | [email protected]
An honest podcast episode talking about the struggles we face in understanding our self worth.
I talk about life experiences, failures and successes as well as the lessons learned throughout.
It is about understanding what was done, had to be done in order to prepare us as humans for the better in the future!
This podcast episode is bilingual in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
English - Indonesian Podcast Episode.
Health Coach Tiara Soemakno help women love their bodies through better understanding of intuitive eating and joyful movements!
I talked to Tiara about what is Intuitive Eating and it is good for us? What does it really mean?
As humans we tend to naturally rebel against the things that are restricted to us. This is naturally just our beings as humans. So when we restrict ourselves from certain food, we tend to have it anyways. When we get cravings, we seek for it and then suddenly feel guilty once consumed. This happens to the best of us and this episode covers various areas of the human relationship with food. Intuitive Eating something that we can or should follow?
Listen up.
[Podcast in English and Bahasa Indonesia]
A special episode with guest star Ucita Pohan where we talk about rejection and how it is usually seen as a negative thing , when it can actually change your life and yourself as a person. I have found that Rejection became my Redirection in life. This applied in many things in my life from situations in friendships, relationships, at work and pursuing my dream. Listen up as Ucita and I talk about our experiences and share our learning lessons about turning our mindsets around rejection.
You don't owe anything to anyone, but yourself. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves that we forget to appreciate the things we give and do for our own mind and body. Sharing 7 ways to becoming your better selves and know that it is okay to with your own timing. Life isn't a race, life is about living, learning from our mistakes as well as experiences and we tend to forget that majority of the time.
We all know RELATIONSHIPS TAKE WORK, but it needs constant reminding because we humans always overlook the important things. This episode of IN PROGRESS WITH OKKIE invites Indonesia's first and only certified Matchmaker, Zola Yoana to talk real REALationships stuff from how to be on a first date, how to maintain a relationship and how to get over a break-up! One-stop shop podcast conversation with the relationship expert.
This podcast episode is in English and Indonesian.
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.