Deans are the unsung heroes of independent schools, often shaping culture, managing crises, and fostering connections with every constituency on campus.
In this episode, Bridget Johnson, founder of the Dean’s Roundtable, shares her expertise on the critical role of deans and why their work is essential to a school’s success.
From creating positive cultures to navigating the emotional labor of student life, Bridget offers actionable advice for school leaders to support their deans better.
Whether you’re a head of school, an aspiring leader, or simply curious about the work of student life professionals, this episode will give you a fresh perspective on their invaluable contributions.
What You'll Learn From Bridget Johnson:
- Deans as Cultural Architects: Deans are the cultural architects of a school, shaping the tone and values that influence the community.
- The Importance of Regular Check-Ins: Regular communication and debriefing check-ins with the head of school are essential to ensuring deans' success and preventing burnout.
- Impact on Enrollment and Retention: A strong dean-student relationship contributes directly to enrollment, retention, and alumni satisfaction.
- Investing in Professional Development: Schools must invest in professional development, including leadership, crisis management, and restorative practices, to empower deans.
- Proactive Culture-Building: Proactive culture-building at the start of the year helps defuse conflicts before they arise.
- Culture Drives Messaging: A strong school culture, grounded in shared values and mission, supports alignment in crisis and non-crisis moments.
Discussion Prompts
- Recognizing Emotional Labor: How can we better identify and support the emotional labor and challenges facing our dean of students?
- Integrating Deans into Leadership: What steps can we take to ensure deans are part of our leadership discussions and decision-making processes?
- The Power of Culture-Building: How can proactive culture-building at the start of the school year reduce conflicts and crises later?
- Aligning Mission and Student Life: How can we align the work of the dean’s office with our school’s mission, values, and enrollment goals?
- Investing in Growth: What professional development opportunities could we offer our dean and student life team to help them thrive?