"Join Chica Chocolate co-founders Cassidy Lam and Elise Morgan as they discuss how starting a period company helped them gain closeness with their sexualities and their bodies. To learn more about what shaped our guests’ sexual identities, explore the sources below.
Go Beyond Listening:
"Cunt: A Declaration of Independence Expanded and Updated Second Edition" by Inga Muscio
“Against The Couple-Form” by Clémence X. Clementine, Lies Journal, Vol 1: http://www.liesjournal.net/volume1-03-againstcoupleform.html
“Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle” by Alexandra Kollontai: https://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1921/sex-class-struggle.htm
"Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism" by Kristen R. Ghodsee: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/12/opinion/why-women-had-better-sex-under-socialism.html