# 365 - Thanks For The Challenge Russell Brunson - Completed!
Well its done...
Episode # 365...
365 episodes in a row...
A full year without missing a day!
This time last year I was doing Russell Brunson's One Funnel Away Challenge and he gave me a choice of doing a Facebook Live, a blog post or a podcast every day for a year.
And I chose the podcast...
And I finished it! Yay me!
It was tough though...
Make no mistake...
There were days I wanted to give up...
That is why I did it...
To prove only to me that I could finally be consistent, disciplined and be a massive action taker...
Because I never used to be.
Doing it conjunction with my 100 Days To Self Mastery Program made it even harder...
From running to going to the gym to playing the guitar it was a full on year of challenges but so happy I got through, learned so much about me and took my life to the next level...
And you can too...
The podcast is about helping others be their best and finding their true potential...
The 100 Days to self Mastery Challenge is the same...
Come and join me in the challenge...
Link is just below here...
It WILL change your life...
Thanks again for all your support...
I will be back weekly now...
Time to catch up on other stuff!
Keep being consistent, disciplined and taking massive action!
Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge here: https://100daystoselfmasterychallenge.com
...you are just one habit away!
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✅ Follow and subscribe to our Podcast on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/inspired-healing-podcast/id1514925883
Do you want to change your life? Your host Kevin McNamara takes inspiring quotes from the Stoics like Marcus Aurelius, David Goggins, Jordan Peterson, Seneca, Epictetus as well as other ancient and modern Stoics, generals, nurses, athletes, prisoners of war survivors, US Presidents and brings their words of wisdom in to the modern day.
Kevin healed prostate cancer through natural means without medical intervention, lost his daughter, Holly, to SIDS when she was 5 months old and was a member of the Police Force in Melbourne Australia for 20 years.
Checkout the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge Page: https://www.facebook.com/100daystoselfmastery
He is more qualified than most to talk about inspired healing, the Stoic philosophy and changing your life for the better He also interviews others who have defied the odds. people who have had their dark night of the soul and come through to become beacons of light for others going through tough times.
Inspired Healing has the power to drag you up from where you are, get you to face your own fears and come out the other side a better version of yourself.
For more information on how to heal click here: Get your FREE Secrets to Healing Book here: https://www.bethehealth.com/proplus
- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/100daystoselfmastery
- WEBSITE - https://meditationforthesoul.com
- TWITTER - https://twitter.com/100toMastery
- INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/inspired_healing_podcast/
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Heads up my friends, my podcast show notes may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of them you wont pay a cent more but I will receive a small commission which helps keep the channel here going and the lights on! Thanks so much for your understanding.
# 365 - Thanks For The Challenge Russell Brunson - Completed!