Paranoid American joins Inverted World Live to discuss the history of adrenochrome, being an animator at Disney, secret societies, and occult symbolism in childrens’ movies.
Inverted World Live dissects the strange, unexplained, and mysterious stories from guests and callers. The Inverted World is what you see once you begin to notice facets of reality that others refuse to see. This is the place of UFOs, interdimensional beings, demons, mind control, secret military technology, hauntings, and much more that operates in the shadows of reality.
Join Shane Cashman and Alex Ayala as they share and listen to stories from the Inverted World.
Today's Guest:
Paranoid American
Twitter/X: @ParanoidAmerican
Instagram: @ParanoidAmerican
Facebook: Instagram: @invertedtales
Twitter/X: @InvertedTales
Shane Cashman: @ShaneCashman on Twitter/X
Alex Ayala: @iamalexayala on Twitter/X