Everyone procrastinates at some time or another. If we’re honest, we will admit that we’ve missed opportunities, delayed outcomes, and caused other negative consequences because of procrastinating. If you’ve ever intentionally deferred acting on a goal or put off doing what needed to be done to realise your dream, get through school, acquire that promotion, lose/gain that weight, or take that bold step, then you have most definitely procrastinated.
Procrastination is a tough habit to overcome! Lucky for you, however, you can put procrastination in your past and move forward without having to worry about all those negative consequences again.
The key is to master your mindset and this episode Certified Transformation and Mindset Coaches Sasha Shantel and Syianne Raemond, share their top tips on how you can overcome the deadly P and take charge of your life.
Listen to the full podcast below and check out the latest blog post HERE to read more on how you can stamp out the biggest dream killer from your life.
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