We've managed to eat our way through another week and what a week for great cooks we've had! Join us as we sarcastically chat our way through:
-Sizzling Saturdays - The Dairy Delights episode, cooking up some lovely sirloins from Coombes Farm
-Beef ribs and seasoned tri tip from Bobs Butchers for the Kamado Joe Low and Slow event with a nod to Eric Gephert and Ben Forte
-Rotisserie turkey, getting ready for Christmas thanks to our great friends at Copas Very Very Special Turkeys
=Hayley's Birthday, our trip to Camden and a 100 day old chicken from the Ginger Pig -Bacon wrapped custard cream- yes you heard us right, we actually did that
-And of course food news of the week Don't forget to subscribe and leave us comments and questions. All our recipes are available at www.jacksmeatshack.com
Visit our friends to order your Christmas turkey now, Copas Very Very Special Turkeys - https://www.copasturkeys.co.uk