It is relevant to talk about our current Coronavirus crisis and where are things today. The US has unprecedented growth in wine, beer and spirits and importers of these products. The markets are large and while there are large purchases of wine, beer and spirits--will this continue? Also, how about small producers and startups in these categories.
I coined a new word: "Communitized" This word means that establishments having an effect in a specific community; this is derived from when markets grow replacing or taking market share from monoliths and the transfer of manufacturing and business decisions are not in a few places but distributed throughout a larger geographical area. This phenomenon is remarkable and in such a short period of time. This has also allowed more people to create their own businesses and giving their community an economic benefit.
And the last portion of this podcast I'll talk about a checklist for Virtual Wine Tastings.
(C) 2020 James Melendez