Mark Koziel, CPA, CGMA, was officially just a few days into his role as CEO of AICPA & CIMA when he took time to join the Journal of Accountancy podcast for a conversation that will be shared in two parts. Part one is below, and part two will be published in the coming days.
Koziel — named in October to succeed the now retired Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA — discussed the importance of hearing about the successes and challenges facing members, how he hopes to create communities, and more in this interview.
Koziel also invited members to send email to [email protected] and “tell me how the Association can help you, your career, and the profession.”
Related links:
n The news of Koziel’s hiring, succeeding Barry Melancon as CEO.
n Melancon’s words about Koziel in a December podcast conversation.
n Koziel’s previous JofA podcast appearance, as part of a 2022 episode when he was the CEO of Allinial Global.
What you’ll learn from this episode:
· Three facts for members to know about Koziel, in his words.
· What he sees as the profession’s strengths and opportunities.
· Why he calls accounting pipeline concerns “not a U.S.-only problem.”
· Koziel’s “listening tour” with members and his request for feedback.
· More about his ideas for creating communities within the global membership of AICPA & CIMA.
· Koziel’s thoughts on the evolution of the profession.
· The important distinction between outsourcing and offshoring.
· A look ahead to part two of the conversation.