1. Learn what is truly stopping or slowing your success in ANY area.
2. Discover how you’ve been unconsciously “wired” throughout your lifetime.
3. Learn how to stretch your “energetic comfort zone” so that you can literally allow more of what you want into your life.
4. Learn why you must FIRST know who you want to BE - before you decide what you want to do or have.
5. Learn processes for beginning the rewiring process.
Bob Doyle, best known for teaching Law of Attraction principles as a featured expert in the film and book “The Secret”, discusses what really makes the biggest difference in a person’s ability to create what they want in their lives, whether that’s through utilizing Law of Attraction principles or any other method, and why the success rate with personal development is so low. He’ll also tell you what you need to do in order to beat those odds and assure your success.
1. You’re in the new movie, How Thoughts Become Things… can you tell us about your contribution to the conversation?
2. I’d like to understand what drives you in this work in general. Why did you start teaching the Law of attraction in the first place?
3. It’s been 13 years since The Secret came out. How would you describe the impact of that project?
4. After watching or reading The Secret, or learning about all this in some other way, I’m sure you hear about how it’s NOT working, or how people are getting inconsistent results, and similar things. Why do some people succeed with this and others seem to fail?
5. What prompted your sudden interest and focus on rewiring?
6. You often say that running into your sticking points is actually your greatest gift. Can you elaborate, because I know most of that time, that frustrates people.
7. How can we effectively begin the rewiring process, and how do we assure success?
“I never had quite the fulfilling experience that I just had with Bob Doyle in any of the other programs… the difference is Bob keeps it real, makes it human… there’s always more to learn.”
Video Version: https://youtu.be/scB_x71SBqo
“The results have been awesome... I now understand the process of visualizing your vision… we both have had the most astonishing experiences over the last month.”
Video Version: https://youtu.be/3XeD-tdg2Qg
“Working with Bob… it’s totally changed my whole world… this ball just started rolling… these people started coming into my life… now I don’t control anything and everything seems to happen exactly how I want it.”
Video Version: https://youtu.be/1RXRTbtLw-A