#019 - Ever wondered how an aspiring animation student goes on to create a yoga for beginners business reaching 1,000,000 people online? Join Connor as he interviews Victor Foote about his journey and insights in creativity.
Here's what we cover:
- Victor's journey from aspirational animator to reaching 1,000,000 people online through his yoga business, Yoga Rove
- The importance of communication skills and tools like headspace for navigating the busy modern world
- A bunch of books and resources that could help you be more successful with your creativity
- How a path of questions can unfold into a journey like his
- Importance of surrounding yourself with constantly improving mentors and peers and how that's possible with online courses
- Several discoveries through pursuing a career in the police force also which opened his eyes to the limitations we often place upon ourselves
- Trying and pursuing whatever interests you in the moment in order to gain different perspectives
- How having those perspectives to draw from, as well as a practise of reflection can help you find the things that really strike a chord in yourself and others like you
- Fear can be a sign of a good path
- Being your own boss has its challenges
- How niching down to the ONE THING (it's a book reference) in many aspects of life is key in whatever you pursue
- Delaying gratification with dopamine detoxes and other practises is the superpower we're all depraved of in today's western culture steeped in tech and on-demand everything
- Social anxiety and shifting perspectives to develop the skills you lack
- Meditation seems to be the one thing many people attribute a large amount of their success and gratification towards
- Delegating can be hard for creative types
- Even the biggest creators have imposter syndrome just like you and I
- Self-sabotage and how scaling up your thinking is a viable path around it
- Valuing yourself is the key to others valuing you and your work also
- Reverse engineering what makes you uncomfortable
- Everything is figure-out-able
- Being an idea machine
- How momentum builds momentum
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