So this episode of Killers All Around Us it’s gonna be a bit different. Today I want to talk about a few possibly triggers for some. Defined by the CDC, Suicide is a death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. Celebrities are often affected by mental health problems, and unfortunately in some cases this leads to suicide. When a famous person takes their life, the world is left in shock. Today we are going to discuss a few celebrity suicides and what may have lead them to this terrible demise.
If you or some has expressed suicidal ideals: Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or Use the online Lifeline Crisis Chat
Both are free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area. For more information, You can also connect 24/7 to a crisis counselor by texting the Crisis Text Line.external icon Text HOME to 741741
This is a Comi-crime Podcast hosted by husband and wife duo Justin and Katie Daniels. This is a true crime pod that has our spin on the case and suspects. We’re saying everything in respect of the victims and their families. This is our light hearted way of bringing you the case with as much accuracy as we could research... You can hit us up with case suggestions!! Add case suggestion in the subject line...
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