Cheryl Ann Meyer was suffering from inflammation and autoimmune disease, thus began an odyssey that culminated her award winning book "It Feels Good to Feel Good: Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reverse Inflammation and Feel Great Again." Through her journey she found that eliminating toxins was a big step in reducing her chronic pain and healing her leaky gut, which is the cause of inflammation. As she regained her health, she returned to school and became a health coach to share her new knowledge with others. She comments, “I wrote this book for people with autoimmune disease and inflammation, but really, it’s for everyone. Inflammation is a root cause of many of our illnesses and disease, cancer, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, Type I and Type II diabetes, possibly even autism. In this week's podcast, Cheryl shares with us how to start eliminating toxins in our own households to make a safe environment for our children.
Cheryl Ann Meyer患有炎症和自身免疫性疾病,因此開始了一段尋找健康生活的旅程,並最終寫出獲獎的著作《感覺良好:學習消除毒素、逆轉炎症並獲得健康生活》。通過尋找健康生活的旅程,她發現消除毒素是減輕慢性疼痛、治愈炎症和腸道滲漏的一大步。隨著她開始恢復健康,她回到校園並成為一名健康教練,與他人分享她的新知識。她說:「我為患有自身免疫性疾病和炎症的人寫了這本書,但實際上,它是為所有人寫的。炎症是我們許多疾病和疾病、癌症、心臟病、中風、阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症、抑鬱症、I 型和 II 型糖尿病,甚至可能是自閉症的根本原因。」在本週的節目中,Cheryl 與我們分享如何在自己的家庭環境中消除毒素,為我們的孩子創造一個安全的環境。