Legal lead generation is a broad industry that can be divided into two main categories. The first is intent-driven – in this category, the leads are in the market for a specialized attorney for services such as auto accident, personal injury or even social security disability. The second category falls into discovery, where the lead is educated with an ongoing legal action that they might qualify for. Most of the tort markets – Camp Lejeune, Zantac, Tylenol, etc. – fall into this category.
Join this session and discover these the similarities and differences with these two categories. With our panel of experts, learn the channels that are better (and can scale) for each, and the best practices in building their unique funnels. More than that, discover ideas on marketing angles and lead magnets to grab attention, engage leads and convert them. Finally, educate yourself on the specific nuances of each market.
Key Takeaways:
- Get the different acquisition channels for motor vehicle accident, social security disability and torts.
- See how calls are generated (inbound v. outbound) and their sources / touchpoints (direct from ad, fresh lead, aged lead, transfer, text message, etc.)
- Learn messaging that resonates with the leads in each market
- David Quiec(Speaker)ENGINEFISH, PARTNER
- Anthony Paluzzi(Speaker)PALO MEDIA, CEO
- Andy Northcutt(Speaker)Legal Brand Marketing LLC, VP Business Development