You can stop freaking out. In this episode, you'll learn what to expect when you're stopped by a police offer on the street or in a traffic stop. We have a special guest, Mike, from the Kantonspolizei in Bern, and we discuss the Swiss German phrases and words you need to know for how these scenarios play out with the police in Bern, Switzerland.
Special thanks to Officer Mike for joining us, and thanks to all the officers at the Kontonspolizei in Bern for serving our community.
Words and phrases in Mundart
Police check on the street:
Police: Darf ig bitte euä uswiis ha?
Pedestrian: Nei, ig ha mi uswiis nid drbi
Police: Wie isch euä namä
Pedestrian: Stephan Muster
Police: Wiä isch öies geburtsdatum?
Pedestrian: Mis geburtsdatum isch 12.10.1980
Police: Wo sit dir i dä leztä 15 minutä gsi?
Pedestrian: Ig bi im restaurant Bärä gsi
Police: Danke für öii uswiis, schöne abä
Pedestrian: Danke glichfaus
Police traffic stop:
Police: Kantonspolizei Bärn. Darfi bitte euä füehreruswiis u fahrzüguswiis ha?
Driver: Hie isch mi füheruswiis u fahrzüguswiis
Police: Dir sit 15 stundenkilometer ds schnäu gfahre ads chostet ca. 240CHF. Weiters bar zahle oder mitem izahligsschiin?
Driver: Chanis bar zahle?
Police: Ja dir chöit bar zahle
Police: Schöne Tag no
Driver: Danke glichfaus
Relevant Vocabulary :
uswiis - Identity card (used as a catch all for ID cards) - noun
geburtsdatum - birth date ID - Identity card, the one which shows your resident status in Switzerland (a specific ID card) - noun
füehreruswiis - drivers license - noun
stundekilometer - km's/hr - noun
schnäu - fast/quickly - adverb
chostet - costs - verb, present tense 3rd person sing.
izahligsschiin - invoice/bill - noun
More information about language learning:
ACTFL Guildelines for the Novice level:
CEFR Guidelines:
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