Maybe yes? Maybe no? Listen to hear about what I did.
I have undertaken a pilot project to learn French in 4 weeks. I have attended 40 hours of classes at Alliance Française Montpellier – learning in that way. I have also studied French using apps and flash cards. I now have a good grasp of the language. The pilot project is complete. Flipping my project – I also have a good understanding of what is involved in language training, especially when it comes to learning English, from a background in French speaking.
I now have a desire to implement a program to enable migrants to learn English.
I have visualized the program in three stages:
This program follows on from the principles of learner centered education. So it is based upon the principles of strength based education.
Using the metaphor of sport and dance we can imagine that language usage involves the body, aka the muscles of the mouth. So this first phase is about training the muscles of the mouth to get the sounds right. Initially I imagine seeking the help of voice coaches to understand how to set up and implement a voice coaching program. The focus will also be upon cadence, pitch and stress – but largely to understand speech as a form of spoken word performance. So the desire will be to see the beauty of the sound, and to produce beautiful sounds. The outcome is the emergence of a sensory motivation, to produce laughter and to produce admiration.
Using the approach of strength based education, we can imagine that the adult has expert proficiency in one or more native languages. So this first phase is about using their native language to gradually add English into the mix. So for the francophone, this stage involves speaking French with more and more English words. Speaking in a form of pidgin English or a made-up argot will be encouraged. It is possible to imagine an emulation of a Parisienne speaking English. Beautiful? Yes. Useful, completely.
Using the approach of contemporary language learning – the focus here will be on narratives and stories. Both telling and reading will be practiced. It is possible this stage can involve the participation of tutors involved in the Michel Thomas Method.
At the end of this period – the participants will speak and function in English. The approach will be to limit the extent of the vocabulary. Plus the encouragement to drop into pidgin will be appreciated – for more animated expression of feeling.
I am looking for a community setting to trial this project. The socialisation and the setting will involve the program being run from 6 to 9 (potentially).