The birth of Christ occurred under the noses of and in the presence of many people, and yet so many of those people missed it. The innkeeper missed it. The incarnation and birth of the Son of God, one of the most significant events in salvation history, occurred near or even on his own property, and yet he missed it. Maybe he was too busy with travelers or too concerned with the stuff of earth, and he missed the birth of the eternal king. The religious leaders knew all the prophecies concerning Christ, and yet when he came, they missed it. They weren’t looking for a Savior because they didn’t think they needed a Savior.
In the coming days, we will celebrate the coming of Christ who died for our sins and provided salvation, and yet so many people will miss it. Maybe like the innkeeper, they are too caught up in the earthly business of life. Maybe like the religious leaders, they miss the celebration of the Savior’s birth, because they don’t think they need a Savior.
What about you? We are in a similar position today when it comes to waiting for Christ. Will we be like Simeon and Anna in Luke 2:21-38? Waiting in faith for the promises of God to be fulfilled? Do we even know what the promises are? Are we walking in the Spirit and clinging to Scripture? I pray you will join us this weekend for worship and next week for one of our Christmas Eve services. Corporately and prayerfully, we will turn our attention to God’s Word. We will ask the Spirit of God to open our eyes, hearts and ears to His truth that we might grow in our anticipation for Christ. That, like Simeon and Anna, we would wait upon the Lord, watch for the Lord, and walk in the Spirit as we anticipate the blessed appearing of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. The joy of seeing Him will be inexpressible!