0:25 JOUEUR (playful, player) 0:45 LOINTAIN (distant, remote, faraway) 1:08 RUSÉ (crafty, sly) 1:30 SOULIGNER (to underline, to highlight) 1:50 SOUS-ENTENDU (innuendo, hint) 2:11 CHIMÉRIQUE (utopic, idealistic) 2:33 S’ALLONGER (to get longer, to stretch out, to lie down) 2:54 GUÉRISON (recovery, healing) 3:13 MYSTÉRIEUX (mysterious, eerie, secretive) 3:41 RUISSEAU (stream, brook) 4:10 EFFLEURER (to brush, to touch lightly) 4:34 SALVATEUR (saving, life-saving, salutary). Féminin : salvatrice 5:01 LUMINEUX (bright, light) 5:20 CONTEMPLER (to contemplate, to gaze) 5:41 REPOS (rest, calm, break)