In this episode, let’s talk about incidental teaching, its purpose and how to implement it in a child’s everyday life.
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Weitlauf, A.S., McPheeters, M.L., Peters, B., Sathe, N., Travis, R., Aiello, R., Williamson, E., Veenstra-VanderWeele, J., Krishnaswami, S., Jerome, R., & Warren, Z. (2014). Therapies for children with autism spectrum disorder: Behavioral interventions update. Comparative Effectiveness Review no.
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Wong, C., Odom, S.L., Hume, K.A., Cox, A.W., Fettig, A., Kucharczyk, S., Brock, M.E., Plavnick, J.B., Fleury, V.P., & Schultz, T.R. (2015). Evidence-based practices for children, youth, and young adults with
autism spectrum disorder: A comprehensive review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(7), 1951-1966.
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Disclaimer: I'm not a professional, just a student with a passion for autism.
I acknowledge the Cadigal people who are the traditional custodians of the land I walk and learn
on. I pay respects to the elders past, present and emerging.