Welcome to another episode of Licensed Psychologist, Now What? podcast. Today is a very special episode where I’ll be sharing five recommendations for any of you that are looking to hire a coach to help you bring your medicinas.
This podcast is all about following the journey of my fellow psychotherapists and healers that are embarking to bring forward their medicinas, to follow their path in life, and to follow whatever it is that they're feeling called to do. So this episode is if you're looking for help, here are five recommendations and things that I think are important to share in that journey:
✨ Someone that is trauma informed, and has experience working with folks that have trauma.
✨ Has experience helping folks follow their own intuition and path as opposed to trying to fit you into a mold.
✨ Someone you feel safe with.
✨ Has similar standards and values regarding work in general life.
✨ Someone who wants to see you succeed, who is invested in you, who is invested in your growth, and wants the best from you.
Some of these are written because of my own journey of finding my different teachers and mentors and coaches, and from what I think is important that you consider, especially if you are a person of the global majority, meaning a person of color.
Let me also take this chance to let you know that I have a few spots for a one-on-one coaching. And I would like to share the three things that I think are important for me when I'm doing this work:
✨ I really love to focus on releasing the blocks that are getting in the way
✨ I come not only from this trauma-informed, but a very supportive, strong line of ancestors
If you're interested with this one-on-one coaching program, just send me an email to [email protected] and I will be able to share with you the different packages that I have.
I hope this was a helpful episode on some tips on how to find a coach. And I cannot wait to work with you, if this is something that you feel called to. Until next time, take good care.
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