Wisdom for The Walk | Week 5 | Danger of The Tongue | Pastor Karina Torres | Life Center Tacoma
Proverbs 18:21 (CSB)
The tongue is inherently EVIL
James 3:8 (CSB)
The tongue is HYPOCRITICAL
James 3:9-12 (CSB)
Matthew 15:17-18 (CSB)
James 3:13-18 (CSB)
What comes out of the tongue is DIRECTLY LINKED to the CONDITION OF OUR HEART
We need God to change OUR HEARTS so that our tongue CAN BE ALIGNED WITH GOD
The realization of how much our heart needs healing is linked to our PROXIMITY WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER
Isaiah 6:1-8 (CSB)
When we draw near to God we enter into his PROCESS of healing
The process is SLOW but the fruit is RIGHTEOUSNESS SOWN IN PEACE
James 3:18 (CSB)