On Episode 2 Season 2 of the podcast we catch up with Mike Sagun from his casa in San Miguel de Allende and dig waaaay deep into helping men feel, spirituality, dinosaurs, speaking in tongues, and finding your purpose.
Go follow Mike on insta @mike.sagun
After you listen go join the zoom call for EVRYMAN June 21st (the Summer solstice!) https://evryman.norby.live/event/5b0f0d36-bb9a-463a-a7dc-2ce2bd7862b8
Mike Sagun and Cator Sparks are both graduates of the EVRYMAN Foundations Training Program, as well as CoActive certified life coaches. Both men identify as gay and are not only here to support their GBTQ+ community, but also help their straight allies better understand their community. This is open to the public to any person who identifies as male! Invite your friends, family, coworkers.
Celebrating Pride. Learning, Connecting, and Understanding Your Gay Brothers.
June is Pride month, a time to celebrate, support and learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. To honor this day, we will be joined by EVRYMAN team members Mike Sagun and Cator Sparks, creating a safe space for straight men to ask about our community.
Some questions that often arise include:
How do I support my child who is coming out?
How can straight guys be better allies?
Why is Gay Pride an important celebration?
Where do we find common ground around shame?
Ever bullied a queer person and want to dig into that experience?
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Find Cator at www.catorsparkscoaching.com
Find Anna at www.blankcanvasdevelopment.com
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to learn more about developing your own products
follow @catorsparks to learn about his life-coaching services
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