Have you ever wondered which training methodology is the best? Do you struggle with consistently seeing results after a few months of a program? Your plateaus MUST be because you aren't on the right program, right? Or could they be coming from you not putting the time into ONE program long term? :)
I've struggled for years finding the "perfect" training program. And I fully admit that I've failed many times due to jumping from shiny new toy to shiny new toy. It wouldn't be until much later that I would learn that staying consistent is the only way to see true progress long term. Now, that doesn't mean you can't tweak minor things to bring in variability. But, MINOR is the key term here. Learn from my mistakes and don't waste years of your life program jumping!
On this episode, I was fortunate enough to be able to pick Dr. Jon Mike's brain regarding training, sticking to a program, and being able to change it up without falling off the bandwagon.
Learn everything you wanted to know about strength, power, and sticking to a system long term, on Episode 005.