Today, John discusses how to deal with critics, aka: haters, wannabes, pretend friends, get it!
1- "turn your critics into coaches"
2- Be careful of seeking the approval of people who want to bring you down to their expectations. Instead, surround yourself with those who want whats best for you and who want to see you grow!
For example, in marriage a couple has to grow together and they have to give each other permission to grow as individuals while working to strengthen the relationship with one another.
3- If critics teach us anything, the way we process a critic is a direct indicator of the condition of our own heart.
Do I become angry, embittered, or fearful over the voice of a critic? If I do, chances are, I have an unhealthy sense of the meaning of that relationship.
If I mull over things a critic may say for too long and it starts negatively impacting my thought processes, then chances are I’m placing an inappropriate amount of value on what they say of me.
One of the most core desires for humans is that we are accepted by others. We are all looking for a "place in this world" (Michael W. Smith).
John’s encouragement: Stand strong. Fail forward. Surround yourself with those who sincerely want the best for you.
As always, if something about this has sparked imagination, a sense of hope, or is of some practical help in your life, drop us a line at [email protected].
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