In this video we discuss how to support Gut Health with expert Nadine Drillen!
With the change of how food is processed and modified we all know and see through the illness of ourselves or others that we lack the micro nutrients needed to keep healthy! In this video we discuss the quality of supplements along with toward the end of the video which ones specifically will help support your liver, thyroid, and gut health. If you are struggling with gut health you have to understand that it comes down to supporting multiple organs in order to create healing, decrease inflammation, and get into optimal living.
Here are the links to the recommended supplements I highly believe in for healing:
Gut Health:
Hormone/Thyroid Energy Support:
There are core minerals such as Selenium, Zinc, Ashwagandha, Omega 3, Probiotics and more that help rebuild and support the liver and thyroid which in turn help support the gut health production.