It’s time for a chat with the athletes who are out there working hard to help their team! In this episode, we focus in on where you’ve been this season (and why that needs to be left in the past), where you are, and where you’re working on going.
The best way to be your best self in the moment is to be grateful for where you’re at, and excited about where you’re going. This applies to all areas of your life - and today we’re focusing on the athlete within you. Believe in her, trust what she is capable of, and now we get to get to work proving that she is worthy of achieving those goals you just wrote down.
Every athlete has a goal that includes some version of success. So link arms, show up present where your feet are, and bring out the best in each other. Working TOGETHER is the best way for you to get to feel grateful for what’s happened so far, excited for what you’re working through currently, and hopeful for what you will accomplish.