Video poam stanza of the longer video study "Heat Dozens with Lightning Wings," with sound by Strexx of who wrangled the sound produced by an Empire toy stove and used it to form the basis of damage control audio for the soundtrack.
This poam explores a system trying to organize itself, seeking a point of unification for its population, a theme that will have some joyousness tethered to it, too, for emerging, for existing, and for functioning as connective tissue
so while there may be multiple forms of elements of damage, the system functions and as a (newly) functioning system perhaps is headed toward refined function, toward further blossoming of increasingly illuminating ways to map the possible configurations of the members tethered to this system on multiple scales to varying degrees.
This is the situation in which the elements seek and locate connection points (that can also become, may have already been, may concurrently behave as bifurcation points --a network of activity that also establishes itself as a neural network and so is capable of acquiring forms of meanings.
Multiple forms of damage on multiple scales; the connection points themselves may be damaged, supporting configurations of a community functioning within compromise, which can be a generous habitat.
This video stanza is also a map.
There are locations of beautiful elements
and location of beautiful damage.