This meditation is part of two courses I run for female professional and personal development - Intuition & Ambition and Circle Holder Training. I work closely with these women so that they can develop their craft, hold sacred space and really begin to teach whats in thier bones and move away from a 3d, Patriachal Paradigm and make money and a good standard of living for themselves through the love and knowledge that they have to give to the world.
This Meditation - was written for those women, and all other women that I will be blessed enough to mentor. Because I understand how scary this work is when you decide that you are going to go after your craft.
There are 3 major emotions that are going to block anyones abundance and flow - those emotions are guilt, shame and fear. They block the 3 lower chakras that rule our ability to flow, nourish ourselves and believe in ourselves. This meditation is a tool for you to alchemise guilt, shame and fear - because its all valuble - emotions must be felt and the released - thats the only way we find our grounding.
Please use this meditation if you have guilt, shame and fear around your work or your craft. It will clear and make sense of the emotions and enable you to go deeper and fill the spaces that are currently occupied by guilt, shame and fear - with pride, compassion, excitement and calmness. Then get to work on your vision, project or dreams. And if you would like any further information on the courses I run that I created for you to discover your Feminine Power then please just follow and contact me on Instagram or Facebook @lindsey.mcnally__
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