We sat down with the king in the found sound crown, Mark Hosler, to talk about the art collective known as Negativland. Negativland has been relentlessly active since the mid-70s to today, jamming the culture, fighting copyright law, and bugging Bono all along the way. We discuss the undeserved distaste for the suburbs, the changes the collective has undergone since their founding, and collaborating with various video/visual artists over the years. We bring along Nolan of One Star Podcast, a man very much influenced by Negativland’s goofs and gaffs, to discern true from false on our journey
Negativland and Mark Hosler’s work can be found on negativland.com
One Star Podcast can be found at @onestarcast and their email is [email protected]
Topics: protest, intellectual property, collage, Pepsi, noise, Over The Edge, Don Joyce, The Weatherman, Jon Leidecker, Wobbly, The World Will Decide, abstract, crossing the rubicon, marketing, advertising, Reagan, capitalism, U2, lawyers, strife, Coca-Cola, music videos, mass media, Sue-C, It’s Normal For Things To Come To Your Attention, stupid, dumb, A Bag Is Coming