Hello and welcome to Episode #1 of the Live Fully You Podcast!
I'm your host, Katie Rose, Lifestyle Design Coach.
I'm here to help you jump into your fully lived life by design one micro step at a time!
If you're here, that means you are ready to commit to being the Superhero of your own life.
And my superpower is helping frustrated 9-5er's with the micro steps to create their Dream Biz.
But even if you don't have a dream business/dream job yet, I got you.
So listen in to today's episode to find out why you are stuck not taking steps toward your dream biz/job and what to do about it.
Come connect with me on Instagram @katieroselifestyledesign.
Feel free to DM me and let me know what your Dream Job is and what your one micro step is that you are committing to.
Don't forget to snag your Free Gift ~ "3 Tips to Kickstart Your Goal Today" at katieroselifestyledesign.com/resources.
If you know anyone who would benefit from this episode, please share it.
Also, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes when they drop each week!
To Your Life Fully Lived,