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Hip-hop legend, Grammy winner, TV and film star, devoted husband and father, LL Cool J has accomplished it all. Nevertheless, it's easy to see a scenario where it never would have happened. As a kid growing up in Queens, LL almost lost his mother and grandfather when they were shot by his father during a fit of rage. Incredibly, once his father turned his life around, LL's mother grew to forgive him and allowed him back into LL's life. LL says this powerful lesson taught him how forgiveness is a key to happiness. Now, after decades in a loving marriage to his wife, Simone, LL explains how she and their four children keep him grounded and balanced.
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Hip-hop legend, Grammy winner, TV and film star, devoted husband and father, LL Cool J has accomplished it all. Nevertheless, it's easy to see a scenario where it never would have happened. As a kid growing up in Queens, LL almost lost his mother and grandfather when they were shot by his father during a fit of rage. Incredibly, once his father turned his life around, LL's mother grew to forgive him and allowed him back into LL's life. LL says this powerful lesson taught him how forgiveness is a key to happiness. Now, after decades in a loving marriage to his wife, Simone, LL explains how she and their four children keep him grounded and balanced.
3,263 Listeners
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