This podcast was a special treat . I happen to see Jake on instagram and he was Passing through vacaville on foot on the beginning of his fourth trip walking across the US. Jake is an Army Vet who was dealing with ptsd ,and he found comfort in walking. He has walked Across the country 3 times and has some pretty cool stories to tell. He is currently on his fourth trek across the US, and promoting his book " Walking America , a 10,000 mile journey of self Healing " . He is actually carrying his books with him this time and selling them to nice folks along the way to fund this project and save for land up in Oregon . I encourage everyone who listens to follow him on insatgram or facebook @jakewalksamerica. and follow along with his adventure. Please if possible buy a book that he will sign and ship out to you during the coarse of this trip and help him meet his goal of selling 10,000 books by the time he reaches Maine.
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