If you're a parent, it's more important than ever to not only be aware of what your child is exposed to online but to guide them in making great decisions about their sexual purity.
As the father of five children (my oldest is 12), I feel pretty confident in all of the "do-nots" that come with pornography, social media, and movies. But until I met Zach and Angela Miller, I didn't fully understand how unprepared I was to advise my children in what to do as they grow up... and what is at stake.
Zach and Angela's ministry, Purity Parenting, was born out of a desire to support and coach parents amid a scattered and sometimes confusing landscape of content for parents who want to keep their children sexually pure.
In today's episode we'll talk about why this is such a big deal, how you can start talking about these issues with your child no matter how young -- or old! -- they are, and which resources can protect your home and empower the next generation.
This is Made to Thrive!
Show notes for today's episode can be found at madetothrive.coach/085.
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