Welcome back crazies...today we dive into the story of Jeremy Bryan Jones. Jeremy was born 4/12/1973 in Miami, Oklahoma and was already set to be a problem child in his early child hood years. January of 1990, 16 years old in fact was his first run in with the law and was charged with assault and later charged again with possession of meth amphetamines. It doesn't stop there!! As years went on Jeremy Jones made unsubstantiated claims to have committed up to 20 murders over 13 years....but was only ever convicted and sentenced to one! How does one man get away with so much terror? How does this mans fingerprints slip through the cracks of the FBI? In this episode I go over the events of this recanters life and discuss each victim. Was Jeremy telling the truth? Was he set up? did he commit these awful crimes? Did drugs make him turn into this evil monster?