March 7th is a major day! Not only because the Moon is Full in Virgo - but also because Saturn, which has been in Aquarius for the past few years is now officially in Pisces.
This is a major deal for those of you who are between the ages of 27-30, because it's the beginning of your Saturn Return. The powerful and life changing years that many Astrologers signify as vital for your self improvement. These years will be about getting to your True self and being honest about how you want to show up in the world. The things that are standing in the way of your happiness; will begin to fall away. ie relationships shift, jobs shift, even your identity starts to evolve and that can leave you feeling confused, sad, and lost.
Don't worry; because that's what today's episode is here for. I'm going to tell you what Saturn is here to do and how it's meant to improve your life. For my Saturn in Pisces babies; this is an important episode that you do not want to miss.
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Ready to finally start living the life you keep dreaming about? I remember in 2016, I felt lost and I wanted to start my own full time business. However, I didn't know how and I didn't know if I was capable.
That all changed; when I completed my own Birth Chart. Looking at the Stars, the day I was born allowed me to see who I am, what my talents are, why I'm here, and how I create change to create the life I want.
Over the years; I have perfected my gift and now use astrology to help people who are looking for the same answers. Book your session with me, it's time to start being present and powerfully create your life. Click here to book
Ps. There has been an increase in scammers all over the internet. There are accounts impersonating me. Please be careful. Know this, I will never personally DM you for a birth chart reading. These are fake accounts copying my content. Protect your energy and your wallet. I will never personally DM you for any kind of reading.