A Taco Bell-themed hotel, a Hot Cheetos fashion show, a Colonel Sanders video game… branded experiences are popping up everywhere. In this episode, we discuss the rise of so-called “Instagrammable” experiences, what makes experiential marketing successful, and why companies need to consider going beyond simply having a booth at an expo.
What was staying at The Bell like? https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/we-spent-a-night-at-the-taco-bell-hotel-where-everything-is-supremely-on-brand/
KFC lets you date Colonel Sanders in their new game https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/kfc-dating-sim-hot-colonel-sanders-video-game
The incredibly orange Hot Cheetos fashion show https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/d3a3zw/inside-the-dazzling-incredibly-orange-cheetos-fashion-show