TMC Trilateral Mind Connection
If you don’t master your mind, you will be a slave to your mind. Is it easy? Absolutely not. It’s a journey. To master anything, we need to have knowledge of the thing we’re mastering. Not just basic knowledge, although that’s a good place to start. We must know the thing well and have a clear understanding.
If you want to master your mind, it’s going to take lots of reading, studying, listening to my episodes several times, lots of time, dedication, and a commitment to stay on the path. I promise that it will be worth all your effort. If you do this, it will change the trajectory of your life. You will be unrecognizable to yourself.
I consider myself a mental master. I’ve put in the work and the time. Like anything you want to master, you need to know why it’s important. What is your WHY?
My “why” is to make a difference in your life, in your relationships, your job, career, physical and emotional, wellbeing. I’m committed to healing humanity. This is “why” I do what I do. I know it won’t happen in my lifetime but it’s a game worth playing.
I once read a passage, I believe it’s from Buckminster Fuller. “Find a game worth playing and play it wholehearted as if your life depends on it because it does.” I live by this. I work like this. It’s what keeps me going when I’m tired and feeling hopeless.
Mastering your mind will put you in control of your life. If you don’t master your mind, you will live in a soup of chaos. You will be at the effect of your environment, your circumstances, your bad choices, and chance. This is the victim mentality, no mental control.
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