Sherinata is a natural born light giver. From the moment I met her I could tell that she knew.
I met Sherinata at #Podfest2020 and she presented me with a gift. It was a product of hers that would protect me from the harmful radio waves being emitted from my cellular device. What a gift. We did a live stream shortly after and she changed the way I saw things about my past. That has so greatly effected my future and we’ve been good friends every since.
She’s constantly giving without expecting anything in return cause she knows that the universe will provide, not the person that she had given to. That is a tough lesson to learn that most people haven’t. Her and I have, and are riding that wave till the wheels fall off. She has a wealth of knowledge to give and dug deep to get all that we could.
In this episode we talk about:
-Sherinata’s Son’s Covid scare.
-Journal-ling and it’s benefits.
-Waking up and awareness.
-Being raised into a spiritual lifestyle.
-Playing it small.
-and more...