There is no apostrophe in this title and yes that is absolutely incorrect but we do not make the laws of America.
And tbh, if we did, we wouldn't start with Melrose Place titles. So Burnin Love it is, even if the red squiggly line appears.
Big news - Jane sets Alison's apartment on fire and fade to black while she watches it burn. Bigger news - it's been a long time since Jane was boring. It just kind of snuck up on us.
Billy and Sam are getting together. Okay, fine. At least they're not inevitable.
Jake and Alison are now outed as lovers, but Jane is not having it. What? Sure, that makes sense with her story arc.
Kimberly is giving up her medical license to become Michael and Peter's secretary. She might have other plans.
Matt is in some of his hottest scenes - at a gay bar - picking up a prostitute - going to jail. BUT OOOHHH NOO we didn't get the blue jumpsuit. Next time.