Pastor Mike teaches about The Great Commission, calling us to first recognize that Jesus is with us as we go and then exhorting us to follow Jesus' instructions to make disciples.
Depending on which campus of Mercy Church you attended this morning, you heard Pastor Darrick, Pastor Mike, or Pastor Scott preach on The Great Commission. Since we are a sending church that trains pastors and future church-plant leaders to plant in areas that need gospel-centered churches, we sometimes have different preachers teach from the same text at each of our campuses on the same Sunday. You can find all three sermons on our website, as well as Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
If you missed previous weeks’ sermons, you can listen to them here! You can also watch videos of the sermons at
Mercy Church is located in Charlotte, NC, and is led by Pastor Spence Shelton. We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings at one of our three campuses across the greater Charlotte area! For current service times and campus locations, please visit Looking for video content? Check out our Youtube Channel. Follow us on Instagram or check our Events page online to stay up to date with everything that’s happening at Mercy Church!