If you're new to starting out in business for yourself, then networking could be the key to gaining valuable insight and advice with the added bonus that some of it is FREE once you become a member of their Facebook community. As your business progresses you may want to look into paid for membership and in person events but start off with, who doesn't like free stuff!
I belong to 3 wonderful networking groups:
They have a free community Facebook page, once you request to join you can access advice and get notifications for free networking events and paid for membership opportunities.
MIB International, no not the Will Smith alien franchise, it actually stands for Mums in Business, it has a free Facebook community and in person events which have a fee to attend. https://www.facebook.com/share/EQ5xWU5EnSpgfCFN/
Lastly I go to a co-working group on a Monday run by the fabulous Wendy Garrett of Garrett Learning, it's held at Bistrot Pierre in Kidderminster.
I've made lots of connections taking part in networking, why not give it a go.