This week’s CropCast from University of Minnesota Extension has as its guests, Liz Stahl, Extension educator - crops, and Dr. Bob Koch, Extension soybean entomologist and Director of Extension’s Institute for Agricultural Professionals. Liz provided an overview of the online U of MN Extension’s Strategic Farming program which is designed to address crop-related concerns in a weekly, research-based webinar with specialists in the field. Liz described how Strategic Farming's summer program, Field Notes, features live, interactive discussions with crop specialists addressing in-season issues as they arise. The series began May 8 and will continue through August on Wednesdays from 8 to 8:30 a.m. Crop producers and other ag professionals are invited to join for timely topics including weather, insect and disease issues, soil fertility concerns, agronomics, and more. You need to register only once to attend any or all webinars. Recordings of Field Notes sessions will be available as a podcast shortly after each live session at
Bob provided an overview of the 2024 Field School for Ag Professionals, which will be held July 30 and 31 at the University of Minnesota Agriculture Experiment Station in St. Paul. This two-day, in-field summer event combines hands-on, interactive training with real-world field scenarios. The Field School program is targeted toward agronomists, crop production retailers, seed dealers, consultants, crop protection industry representatives, Extension educators, government agency personnel, and summer field scouts. The first day of the Field School program focuses on core principles in agronomy, entomology, weed and soil sciences to build a strong foundation of skills and knowledge. The second day builds on this foundation with timely, cutting-edge topics that participants can self-select. Bob provided an in-depth discussion of the Field School sessions during the podcast. Detailed session descriptions of educational sessions and registration information may also be found at: