Albert is an operationally focused executive who leverages his strategic vision to increase production. He has a background in program management and portfolio management. Albert is an Agile Certified Practitioner through the Project Management Institute, Certified Scrum Master, Agile Coach and Certified Scrum Product Owner. Albert has been a part of and helped build, many successful companies to include: ClickFox, The Regis Company, Qualvu,, and Medicine Man. He is responsible for successfully managing several multi-million-dollar projects from Visa, MasterCard, Google, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Accenture, AT&T, Verizon, John Deere, Bose and many more. Albert holds a B.S. from Metro State University and a graduate degree from Colorado State University Business School. MedPharm is a phytopharmaceutical and intellectual property holding company that has been created to develop innovative cannabis products, using accepted pharmaceutical formulation techniques, to reliably produce identifiable and replicable dosage forms for human use.MedPharm will lead the industry in developing products to improve the human condition and better the lives of those who suffer from the disease. It is MedPharm’s intent to position itself to have safe, reliable, proven products ready for Phase I formulations when such trials become available.