Join Jenand Tirralan Watkins, the renowned Tinseltown Mom, as she delves into the inspiring lives of high-profile moms from all walks of life. Through candid interviews, Tirralan takes you on an engaging journey, revealing the challenges, triumphs, and relentless pursuit of success that these remarkable women have faced. So, kick back and relax as Tirralan offers you a delightful timeout from the daily grind and offers a glimpse into the lives of those who have conquered it all while being extraordinary moms. Tune in and get ready to be entertained and empowered!
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Jen: Welcome to MomCave LIVE where we may have lost our minds, but we haven't lost our sense of humor. Hi, I'm Jen, and I'm here with Tirralan Watkins, who is the Tinseltown mom. Hi, we're going to go live on all the platforms. So give me one second. Let's see if it goes live on Instagram as well. Maybe we're... Oh, wow. Okay, there we are. So, Hi, tell everybody how you became Tinseltown Mom.
Tirralan Watkins: Well, it started when I was just a child, of course, a daughter. So growing up, I was always pursuing acting. I'm from the Bay Area. So in the Bay Area, I was doing theater and commercials and everything that I could do in the Bay Area. But we all know that the capital of the entertainment industry is Hollywood. Totally. Yeah. So after I got my undergrad degree in communications, I decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue my acting career further. So as I was pursuing my acting career, I, and I'm not telling the full story because it's so long. So, of course, you know, as you're pursuing a career, you do dabble into other things. So at the time, I started my own talk show, a local talk show called "Impact." It was on a cable access station, yes.
Jen: The internet's, yes, cable access.
Tirralan Watkins: Yes, your cable access. Yeah, yeah. So I was doing my show on cable access 20-plus years ago, and actually, my first Tinseltown mom before I became Tinseltown mom was Sherri Shepherd. It was before she was a mom as well, but she was my first guest, yeah, for my show. So I did the show, and I interviewed an Olympian and some other actresses, comedians, etc. While I was still pursuing my acting career, eventually, at my church, I decided to join a small writing group called..
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