Hello, I’m Anna-Karina Tabunar. A few years ago, I made a documentary called Talent Untapped. I met fascinating and inspiring people whose lives and careers were dramatically impacted by disability. I met Ahmed Abbukar who was struggling to get employers to see past his white cane. I spoke with Jan Wong – a provocative writer whose work triggered a clinical depression. I also shared my own experience with neurological illness.
Well, a lot has happened – and changed – since I made Talent Untapped in 2016. We’re now at a fascinating intersection of a global pandemic, physical distancing and isolation, Black Lives Matter and racial justice. So now – in a new podcast – I’m catching up with Ahmed, Jan and the rest of the cast to find out how they’re managing. I think their stories can help us build stronger, more inclusive communities and workplaces. Join me for “More Talent Untapped”.
More Talent Untapped is made possible by our sponsors RBC and EARN - the Employment Accessibility Resource Network, an initiative of United Way East Ontario.