Phyllis Leavitt, a retired psychotherapist, is an accomplished author whose profound personal experiences have deeply influenced her work. Her journey of self-discovery and healing, catalyzed by direct communication with a Divine Voice during a critical period of personal turmoil, is detailed in her book series, The Road Home. This series explores her transformation and offers insights into the human soul's journey towards healing and understanding.
In her pivotal works, Phyllis discusses her unique perspective on psychology, transformed through divine communications that expanded her understanding beyond traditional therapy practices. These insights are reflected in her books, where she delves into the interplay between individual healing and broader societal issues. Phyllis's books such as America In Therapy, A Light in the Darkness, and Into the Fire offer narratives that combine her personal experiences with a broader vision of psychological healing and societal improvement.
America In Therapy tackles the nation’s mental health crisis from a psychological perspective, proposing that the tools used in personal healing can also mend national divisions and foster collective health (America In Therapy).
A Light in the Darkness recounts her personal journey from struggling with abuse and loneliness to an awakening into a new consciousness, facilitated by a transformative divine encounter (A Light in the Darkness).
Into the Fire continues this exploration, discussing the dualistic concepts of Good and Evil and proposing new ways to understand these forces beyond traditional frameworks, suggesting that these insights could help alleviate personal and collective suffering (Into the Fire).
These works collectively underscore the deep connection between personal healing and the broader societal fabric, suggesting that understanding and addressing psychological trauma can lead to healing on a much larger scale. Phyllis’s journey and the insights she shares are not only relevant for those interested in personal growth and therapy but also offer profound implications for addressing contemporary societal challenges.
For more information and to connect with Phyllis Leavitt, you can visit her at the following links:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Medium Article:
You can pre-order America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis with a price guarantee at this link:
Phyllis E. Leavitt's upcoming book, America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis, is a groundbreaking work set to release on July 2, 2024. This book is the first of its kind to treat the nation as a patient, urgently addressing the declining state of America’s mental health beyond the usual political partisanship. Leavitt utilizes a mix of personal stories, case studies from her clients, and historical analysis to draw parallels between dysfunctional family dynamics and the behaviors of influential societal institutions.
Through the application of Family Systems Theory and her own innovative approaches, Leavitt vividly illustrates the impacts of untreated societal trauma. Her book is a powerful call to action for reconciliation, unity, and healing, aimed at a wide audience including social reformers and young adults facing an uncertain future. It stresses the necessity of peace and proactive efforts in healing at a national level before it becomes too late.
You can also listen to her discuss these topics in greater depth on various podcasts, such as:
Masters in Psychology Podcast:
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