Hope for the Animals

Multimedia Storytelling for Animals with Thomas Machowicz

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Tomas Machowicz is a photographer and filmmaker focusing on animal rescue efforts and social issues. He started documenting animal rescue in 2018 after a visit to Seebu Sanctuary in Costa Rica. Along with Molly Condit, Thomas co-founded Sanctuary Doc, a non-profit multimedia project that illuminates the major issues facing our world today by focusing on animals and the people who rescue them. Thomas considers himself a conduit for stories meant to raise the consciousness of humanity and uses photography, film, lectures, and workshops as tools to explore and share the human experience. Thomas' work has been published by BBC News, The Associated Press, Reuters, Vox, and he is a regular contributor to We Animals Media. 

Thomas shares his experiences at a wild animal sanctuary in Costa Rica and how that experience started his journey to being a photojournalist telling non-human animal’s stories. He then tells us about a popular short film produced by Sanctuary Doc called Transfarming that documents animal farming transitions to plant farms and animal sanctuaries in Switzerland. He also talks about another Sanctuary Doc project focused on houseless people and their companion animals. Thomas shared that he feels it’s important to create, “a sanctuary in your mind” and discusses mindfulness and the connection to living a fulfilled life. 


Sanctuary Doc

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