The Glory of God is one of His most awesome attributes. It denotes His splendor, His beauty, and His majesty. Imagine being able to experience those qualities in your life. Well, He does just that!! Jehovah Kabodhi allows His Glory to shine on us, whereby we become a symbol of brightness in this dark world! He crowns us with His splendor, beauty, and majesty!! King David, in the midst of being in trouble penned Psalm 3, which is a plea to God for help. David was being attacked by his enemies, and even his own son, Absalom, who committed treason against him. Even King David's friends were turning against him by telling him that no one will help him, not even God. However, King David's faith never weaved in God, as he called on God for help. In verse 3 he stated, "But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head." (NKJV). That crown of God's Glory can be very heavy in turbulent times, but our Awesome Jehovah Kabodhi will lift our heads which will, in turn, allow us to "look to the hills from where our help comes from." Tonight, let's celebrate Jehovah Kabodhi...The Lord Our Glory!! Enjoy.
Apostle Richard T. Miller Jr.
A.R.M. Ministries
Philadelphia, PA.
Email: [email protected]
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