Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:
Yud Shevat – 75 Years: Chassidus Applied to Basi L’Gani
What is the main takeaway from this foundational discourse?
What do we learn about the tzimtzum in this year’s chapter 15 and the Rebbe’s maamorim of 5725 and 5745?
What are its practical applications?
Does tzimtzum separate or connect us with the Divine?
What do we learn from the Magid’s Torah on tzimtzum, as elaborated upon in Hemshech Ayin Beis?
How is the tzimtzum not really a concealment, but rather a deep revelation?
Why is G-d's ability to conceal greater than His ability to reveal?
How much is G-d in touch with our reality of tzimtzum?
Why can’t G-d allow us to understand His essence?
Will the tzimtzum still exist in Moshiach’s times?
Why does it say “my sister, my bride”?
What is an example of shtus d'kedusha that everyone can do in their daily lives?
Can we ask G-d to splurge His treasures upon us?
How should I interpret a dream I had of the Rebbe?
15 Shevat
What lessons do we learn from the New Year of Trees?
Is there a connection to Yud Shevat?
How do you explain the Rebbe’s footnote in his Yud Shevat telegram?
What was the theme of the Rebbe’s 15th of Shevat maamar 40 years ago?
What is the central theme of this Torah chapter?
What was the theme of the Rebbe’s Yisro maamar 40 years ago?
What personal and global lessons does it offer us?
Why was Yisro’s acknowledgment – that of an idolatrous priest – so important before receiving the Torah?
Why did Moshe marry the daughter of Yisro?
Why was the parting of the sea necessary before receiving the Torah?
Why are the Jews called a “nation of priests”?
What makes the 10 commandments unique?
How should we react to President Trump’s Gaza suggestion?
Would the Rebbe agree with this approach?
Is Gaza part of the Biblical Land of Israel?
What should be our attitude to the Super Bowl?
How should I react to my husband who insists on watching the game at home?
How should I react to my wife who insists on disturbing me from watching the game? Should I just tell her that I’ll go watch it in a bar?