코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

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진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting

Pioneering LGBTQ+ art collector Patrick Sun to break through Korean art scene

기사 요약: 홍콩에 기반을 둔 LGBTQ+ 예술 작품 수집가인 패트릭 선이 내년 1분기 서울의 아트선재센터에서 그의 컬렉션을 공개한다.

[1] Hong Kong collector Patrick Sun has collected art since the 1980s, merging his passions in contemporary art and LGBTQ+ society. The collector will knock on the door of the Korean art scene early next year by showing his collection at the Art Sonje Center in Seoul.

merge: 융합하다

contemporary: 현대의

[2] An exhibition of artwork with overarching LGBTQ+ themes is unprecedented for the museum in a city where such art is rarely dealt. Sun, the founder of Sunpride Foundation, claims he is the first to collect art to support the LGBTQ+ society “systematically” in Asia with a mission to exhibit at museums.

overarching: 지배적인

unprecedented: 전례 없는

rarely: 드물게

[3] When he visited Seoul in September last year, he found the city is becoming more accepting and tolerant regarding the LGBTQ+ community. His collection includes Korean artists such as LA-based Lee Kang-seung among some 300 works.

tolerant: 관대한

[4] Sun’s collection has been built throughout decades with his particular interest in social injustice relating to LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities who face discrimination.

injustice: 불평등

marginalize: 소외되게 하다

discrimination: 차별

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10414092

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